Monument Lettering

Monument Lettering

Onsite lettering services for your memorial or monument.

Add a Date of Death

Include a New Phrase or Saying

Change a Name

Make Your Monument Complete

Did your loved one have a pre-planned monument and now their date of death needs added? Maybe you ordered a memorial and want to add a nickname, saying, or carving to the marker after it’s been installed. Or did you order your monument from someone else and discover after it was installed that there is a wrong date or a name is misspelled? Regardless of the reason, the Longstreth Memorials team is committed to helping you make your monument complete, and we won’t have to remove the monument to do it.

How it Works


Place Your Order

Adding a date of death to your memorial has never been easier! Simply complete an online order form. For more custom monument lettering services, please complete a contact form online or call us at 419-468-3477.


Tell Us More

You will be asked to provide a photo and location of your monument, so our team can prepare for your lettering order.


Complete Your Memorial

We will fulfill your lettering order within 30-45 days after your order is placed.

Onsite Monument Lettering

We understand that revisions or additions sometimes need to be made to monuments after they have been installed in a cemetery. You shouldn’t have to settle for an incomplete monument. With our onsite monument lettering services we can easily add a date of death, an inscription, a new name or even fix spelling or date errors.

You will be amazed at what our team of trained memorial craftsmen can do right there in the cemetery. If you need to make a change to your existing monument, even if you didn’t buy it from us originally, we can help.