Memorial Portraits

Memorial Portraits

Personalize your monument with a porcelain portrait.

Remarkable Color and Clarity

Wide Selection of Portrait Shapes

Protected by a Lifetime Warranty

Share a Memory Forever

There are many ways to customize your memorial – from the shape of the monument to the words inscribed on the marker and more. Each element is chosen to reflect parts of your loved one’s story and life lived. However, the most direct way to personalize any memorial is by adding a porcelain portrait to its design.

Adding a color photo to your monument gives you the opportunity to capture and share a moment of their life forever.

How it Works


Place Your Order

You can order your porcelain portrait online or by calling our office at 419-468-3477.


Send Us Your Photo

Once you’ve placed your order, send us the photo you’d like to use to


Have Your Portrait Installed

Once we receive your order and photo we will install your new monument portrait within 30-45 days.

Not sure what style or size portrait will look best on your monument? We are here to help! One of our memorial designers is happy to review your monument and provide recommendations for the type of portrait that will work best with your marker.

Personalize Your Monument with a Photo

Photos hold memories and are cherished after a loved one has passed. We are honored to provide families a way to share a special moment of their loved one on their monument with a porcelain portrait.

Unlike regular photos that fade with time, your monument portrait will remain vibrant for decades thanks to our weather-resistant material. Each portrait is designed with a porcelain steel base, providing maximum durability with a thin, sleek design. All portraits are also backed by a lifetime warranty. So you never have to worry if it’s vandalized or damaged.